Monday, July 27, 2009

Tonight's Show (Small Production) aka My church's VBS

The curtain broke in the middle of the show. Actually it was the 20 year old rope that broke. The curtain for some odd reason didn't move after that. It is amazing, however, how quickly it was fixed after the show. It only took 20 minutes and a bunch of elbow grease (a little real grease helped as well). This just shows the wide range of production areas I am involved in. I don't just work on lighting and sound. It is always good to know a little of everything cause you just never know when you'd need it.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Welcome to the new blog

Welcome to the new Control Your Stage blog. Hopefully this blog will contain relevant information for most industry professionals or novices alike. Guess we'll just have to see now won't we? My writing isn't perfect so forgiveness may be requested for typos which will probably happen.